Solar Shingles ARP Roofing & Remodeling

If you are a roof owner in the state of Texas, you are likely aware of the many benefits of solar energy. Whether you are looking to reduce your energy bills or reduce your carbon footprint, solar power is a fantastic option that is becoming increasingly popular. However, if you are looking to install solar panels on your roof, you may be intimidated by the cost and complexity that is often involved. Luckily, there is an alternative option: solar shingles. In this guide, our roofing experts at ARP Roofing & Remodeling will provide you with all the information you need to know about solar shingles and how they can benefit your home.

What are solar shingles?

Solar shingles are a type of roofing material that is specifically designed to generate electricity from the sun. Unlike traditional solar panels, which are mounted on top of existing roofs, solar shingles are integrated directly into the roof itself. They look like regular shingles and are installed in the same way, but they are equipped with solar cells that can capture energy from the sun.

How do solar shingles work?

Solar shingles work by using photovoltaic (PV) cells, which are made from a special type of semiconductor material. When sunlight hits the cells, it causes them to release electrons, which creates an electric current. This current is then used to power your home or stored in a battery for later use. Because solar cells are built directly into the shingles, they are able to capture more energy and are more efficient than traditional panels.

What are the benefits of solar shingles?

There are several benefits of solar shingles for property owners in Texas. Firstly, they are more aesthetically pleasing than traditional solar panels, as they blend seamlessly into the roofline. This can help maintain the curb appeal and value of your home. Additionally, solar shingles are easier to install than traditional panels, as they do not require any additional mounting hardware. Finally, because they are integrated directly into your roof, they can help extend the life of your roof and provide additional insulation, which can save money and reduce energy consumption.

How much do solar shingles cost?

The cost of solar shingles varies depending on several factors, including the size of your roof, the number of solar shingles you need, and your location. On average, solar shingles cost between $22,000 and $36,000 for a typical-sized home in Texas. While this may seem expensive, it is important to remember that solar shingles provide a long-term solution that can save you money on energy bills and increase the value of your home.


If you are a property owner in Texas who is interested in solar energy, solar shingles are an excellent alternative option to traditional solar panels. They are easy to install, more efficient, and more aesthetically pleasing, making them a great investment for any homeowner.