Roofing tiles are among the most varied, most durable and most attractive roofing systems and solutions that are suitable for any climate areas. Roof tiles can be made from many different materials and come in many different shapes and sizes, so if you are currently thinking about getting a new tile roof, here are a few important things that you should know about.

Weight Issues

Tiles are usually made from materials that are quite heavy, such as ceramic, cement or concrete, which makes them suitable only for buildings with solid walls that can support the heavy roof. In the case of lightweight construction, it is very important to check the building’s weight bearing capacity before choosing the roofing system to avoid a costly mistake.


Tile roofs are known to be among the most durable roof systems available today. Properly maintained tile roofs can last for up to half a century, maybe even longer and they are suitable for areas that get severe weather the year around.

Resistance to External Factors

Tile roofs can withstand harsh sunshine, heavy rain, strong winds and storms and they can hold up the weight of thick layers of snow as well. The process of making the tiles involves thermal treatment as well to make tiles resistant to quickly changing temperatures.

Roof tiles are not susceptible to pest infestations either – even if hornets or birds lay their nests on or underneath your tile roof, their presence does not damage the roof and you need not worry about insect attacks either – termites and other bugs stay away from tile roofs.

different types of roofing tiles

Designs and Styles

Roof tiles are available in many different shapes, sizes and colors. The most popular hues are terracotta, brown and red, but green, beige and black tiles are also available and nowadays you can choose from matte and shiny varieties, too. The special pigments and coatings used for coloring and treating roofing tiles are extracted and applied on the tiles with advanced technologies that prevent them from fading.


Tile roofs have excellent insulation properties. Your tile roof will prevent the heat from escaping in winter and will not allow hot air to penetrate the home in summer.

Aspects Related to Maintenance

Tile roofs need very little maintenance to stay in good condition. Call roofers Fort Smith contractors to go up on the roof once in spring and once in fall to clean and inspect the roof and to replace any damaged tiles, but that is about all that you need to do to preserve the roof. Chipped or cracked tiles are very easy to replace – you can get the damaged tile out with one hand, lift the row of tiles above the removed component and slide in the new tile, that’s all.

Environmental Aspects

The process of manufacturing roof tiles is not very energy-intensive and roofing tiles can be completely recycled at the end of their lifecycle, so if you choose tiles for your roof, you will have not only a durable and attractive roof, but also one that is gentle on our natural environment.